Developing tools to reduce susceptibility to bullshit.
Prototype Bullshit callipers
It is a basic human drive to search for and desire meaning. Yet, in that process, we are also susceptible to Bullshit. Let's take a quick look at academia and EDI.
Academic literature and research on Bullshit, is expanding. For example: Situational factors influencing receptivity to bullshit.
Bullshit refers to the use of misleading information. It often contains vague or ambiguous wording, produced in the service of impression management, despite its lack of contextual truth.
Several sectors, have nice sounding initiatives that smell of bullshit. I've developed this prototype tool for bullshit detection tool belts.
It might help reduce bullshit susceptibility (I've suffered from it.). And, to ask questions about impression management.
The prototype callipers (image) are designed in reverse. Thus, when there is no evidence to back up certain profound statements or initiatives- these are most likely Bullshit.
If there is quite a bit of evidence and the callipers are wide open- then probably NOT Bullshit. Yet, reverse may be true too.
Quick example: The latest socially and organizationally profound initiatives: Diversity, Inclusion and Equity. A little interweb surf reveals floods of glossy organizational statements and commitments to EDI.
Don't get me wrong, the principles behind these words, are critical. I am a supporter. It's when these become BS brand management, that I'm not.
When these words get jumbled together and turned into initiatives- they may become Bullshit. Why? Look deeper.
EDI in post-secondary?
In 2018, the Canadian Assoc. of University Teachers (CAUT) looked at DIE through academic staff composition and wages at universities and colleges in the country: Underrepresented & Underpaid: Diversity & Equity Among Canada’s Post-Secondary Education Teachers
A few highlights from the report, but lowlights for the sector:
Full Professor - Men 72% Women 28%
Assoc. Prof - Men 57% Women 43%
Non-Indigenous across sector: 96.2%
Self-ID Indigenous: 3.8%
Indigenous University professors: 1.4%.
Indigenous College teachers: 3%
Total academic workforce:
White: 80%
Visible minorities: 20%. (with South Asian rep. 5%).
(Student populations are close to 40% visible minority).
Visible minorities across sector make 15% less than white.
Visible minority woman make 30% less, almost 40% less in colleges.
Earnings ratio for profs?
On average, women earn $0.90 to mean's $1
Across Univ. women earned 18% less than men.
In colleges, closer to 20% less
Indigenous men and women make 26% (on avg.) less than non-Indigenous, in the sector. (Think about this in relation to diff outlined above...)
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Is there an institution that openly publishes information/progress on their glossy EDI strategy and commitments?
How many collect the information that would be needed to do this?
How many collect this data from interviews? Who got hired?
What would this look like if an audit was done on Sr. leadership in the same institutions?
Susceptibility to bullshit is critical research (see paper in comment). Limit by asking for evidence, or, looking at evidence that disproves glossy statements.